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The Profile of an Above-Average Person

Above-Average people are born, not bred.

While upbringing, environmental conditioning, education, intellectual capability, and opportunity play a major role in a person’s behavior, decisions, and personality, the innate qualities a person is born with play an equally vital role in determining a person’s basic nature.

Above-average people possess from birth a greater degree of sensitivity than do average and below-average people.  The sensitivity of above-average people is the innate ability to feel—to feel and understand one’s own motivations, to naturally feel a connection to and a concern for the conditions of the world, and to be innately impassioned to discover and execute a greater purpose for one’s life—beyond the comforts, pleasures, and material gains of one’s own existence.  People with Above-average degrees of sensitivity possess a higher capacity for empathy and a higher cosmic intellect than do average people.  Sensitivity is also the ability to feel and understand what is not obvious, i.e., the intangibles of life.

Everyone possesses some degree of both sensitivity and insensitivity.  It is the percentage of sensitivity that, more than anything else, distinguishes people from one another and defines category.  Average and below-average people possess lesser degrees of sensitivity.  Technically, the precise combination of sensitivity and insensitivity is unique to each person.

As the level of sensitivity increase, there are fewer and fewer people at each level.  As the degree of sensitivity decreases, and the level of sensitivity increases, there are more and more people at each level.  It is the degree of sensitivity and insensitivity that determines the motivations, decisions, and behavior of every person.  Ultimately, the intangibles of sensitivity and insensitivity become tangible in a person’s beliefs, decisions, and actions.

Average and below-average people are more disposed to selfishness, egotism, excessive materialism, and greed.  People with higher degrees of insensitivity seek wealth, recognition, power, and position above all else.  They often desire opulent lifestyles, and pursue excess in entertainment and self-gratification.  Insensitive people usually seek self-gain at the expense of others, and often are deceptive and callous in their pursuit to become successful.  In contrast, above-average people, after reaching maturity, are more pre-disposed to discovering and achieving the true purpose for their lives—which is motivated by an innate desire to be, in some way, helpful to world protection and progress.

Many people believe they are above-average, but actually are not since it is not any other standard, but the degree of sensitivity that determines the status of a person.  Above-average is not determined by social, academic, or financial position, and not even by the degree of talent a person may have.  There are many people in prominent and titled positions, people who have great business acumen and have acquired wealth, and people of exceptional talent who possess only average and below-average degrees of sensitivity.

Because the degrees of sensitivity and insensitivity uniquely vary in every person, it is difficult, at first, in many cases to correctly recognize a person’s true status.  This is proven by the amount of relationships that begin on a high note and eventually end in disappointment and bitterness.  Many relationships begin where there is a major disparity in levels of sensitivity between partners—and only over time, do the partners come to realize the disparity between them.  It is almost always the more sensitive partner who finally realizes the chronic and probably permanent levels of insensitivity of the other.

In relationships where there is a significant disparity in sensitivity, i.e., one partner is average and the other is above-average, the partners almost never achieve compatibility or fulfillment from the union.  For many people, the quality of their entire life is affected by being with the right or wrong partner.  Above-average people who desire a relationship that will endure, be fulfilling, and create an atmosphere for discovering their true purpose, must invariably find another above-average person with an equivalent sensitivity to their own.  This is a fact of life, and it is also a fact of nature.

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